Tosca Says...

"It is the food that we eat which is responsible for shaping such a vast array of body types. Yes, the food!" - Tosca Reno, Author of The Eat Clean Diet

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Interview with Tosca Reno

My apologies for the lack of posting this month! It's National Novel Writers Month and I've been trying to finish a book I started three years ago so all my writing time and writing energy has been poured into that.

I'll get back to regular blogging here in a few days (and I've got some great recipes coming to the blog!) but, until then, I wanted to share with you an interview I just came upon with my she-has-no-idea-who-I-am-but-I-call-her-this-anyway clean-eating mentor, Tosca Reno. 

The interview is from 2007, and while the best source of the latest info is in her latest book "The Eat Clean Diet Recharged!", this interview covers all the basics of eating clean and will probably answer most, if not all, of your initial questions about what it means to eat clean!


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